Periodontal Prosthesis

For many patients suffering from periodontal disease implants may not be an option because of lack of bone or finance. For this group of patients the “Periodontal Prosthesis” or Lindhe and Nyman bridge is an option. Lindhe and Nyman showed through their multiple studies in the 1980’s that very mobile teeth could be successfully splinted together in the form of bridgework with excellent long term success rates of over 93%. This technique has been around for 30 years but not often used by practitioners with the advent of implants.

This lady was referred to us from the midlands because of her aversion to dental implants. After initial mounted study casts and diagnosis the patients teeth were prepared and she was placed in prototypes. A dual impression technique was used because of the teeth mobility (grade 1 – 2.5) using duralay copings and coat hanger wire. The bridge was fabricated on a fully adjustable articualator using cadiax readings and made with bilateral balance in R&L lateral excursions. The bridgework was made for composite and metal and not PFM.